
XamBarcode<T,M,A> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XamBarcode<T,M,A>.

Protected Fields
Protected Field_modelThe model in which to store the barcode.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyModelThe model in which to store the barcode.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBackingBrushOverloaded. Sets the brush to use to fill the backing of the barcode.  
Public MethodBackingOutlineOverloaded. Sets the brush to use for the outline of the backing.  
Public MethodBackingStrokeThicknessSets the stroke thickness of the backing outline.  
Public MethodBarBrushOverloaded. Sets the brush to use to fill the background of the bars.  
Public MethodDataSets the data value.  
Public MethodErrorMessageTextSets the message text displayed when some error occurs.  
Public MethodFontSets the font of the text displayed by the control.  
Public MethodFontBrushOverloaded. Sets the brush to use for the label font.  
Public MethodHeightSets the height of the barcode container.  
Public MethodHtmlAttributesSet HtmlAttributes to the HTML div element  
Public MethodIDSets the ID of the barcode container.  
Public MethodPixelScalingRatioSets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control.  
Public MethodStretchSets the stretch.  
Public MethodWidthSets the width of the barcode container.  
See Also

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